Winding machine for stiff and strong ribbons and tapes

Automatic winding machine for stiff bands, belts, straps, tapes and ribbons

The AFA automatic winding machine is particularly suitable for winding stiff ribbons and roller shutter belts. The machine quickly winds and packs belts into oval-shaped coils (no core or bobbin needed) and it can easily and very accurately recognise any surface anomaly such as twists or coils, pieces joined together and other defects. It then seals the package with a staple or cardboard tie.

The benefits

  • Items are wrapped into flat packages.
  • The ribbon or tape is retrieved from containers at a 30 to 40 metre distance.
  • The winding operations are monitored electronically.
  • Item hook-up operations with mechanical gripper.
  • Packages can be closed with a metal staple or cardboard wrapper band.
  • Extremely accurate ribbon or tape measuring.
  • Defect detection device, for joints, curling or metal staple defects of the items wound.
  • Keyboard winding parameter options and alarms.

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