Metal wire winding machine

Automatic nylon coated metal wire winding machine which also cardboard band packing unit

The AFM automatic winding machine is specially designed for winding nylon coated wire. This automatic machine winds nylon coated metal wire into coils using two adjustable pins and inserts it into a cardboard sleeve.

The benefits

  • This automatic machine winds nylon coated metal wire into coils using two adjustable pins and inserts it into a cardboard sleeve.
  • In case of tangles or knots on the wire, a control device stops the machine to avoid damage to the product and to the machine.
  • In case of anomalies in the thickness of the belt (outside the programmed range), the machine stops, thus preventing these defective bits from being packaged.
  • The wire is cut by shears built with high quality materials to guarantee a long product life.
  • Winding parameters and alarms are controlled via the keyboard.

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