
Cardboard tube cutting machine

Automatic round/square cardboard tubes cutting machine

TATU3000 is an automatic round/square cardboard tubes cutting machine that cuts 6-metre-long tubes into pieces. Versatility, ease of use and calibration and high yield are this machine’s top assets that give a considerable advantage in product flexibility, avoiding accumulation of unnecessary stocks and reducing production costs.

The benefits

  • The operating cycle of the machine picks up tubes up to 6 meters long from the loader and cuts them into pieces of the required length, as well as separating cut pieces from any waste.
  • The machine is designed to work in automatic mode, but it can also be used for cutting a single tube.
  • The cut is made by a steel blade with high quality widia plates, specially sharpened for use with cardboard and guarantee long life and excellent cut finish.
  • The cutting parameters programming features controls that help the operator to obtain the perfect product size avoiding setting errors and unnecessary waste.
  • Suction nozzles located on the tube pushers and the blade guard remove the dust generated by cutting which is deposited in a bag filter.
  • Winding parameters and alarms are controlled via the keyboard.

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