Semi-automatic winding machine for stiff and elastic ribbons and tapes and ropes

Semi-automatic winding machine for ropes, strings and ropes

The USA semi-automatic winding machine is suitable for winding a large variety of stiff and elastic ribbons and tapes, ropes, straps, and belts. It can automatically wind rolls on bobbins, cores or neither and can easily and very accurately detect any anomalies on the surface of the belt such as coils, tape/ribbon pieces joined together and other defects. Its best assets are its practicality and the ease with which you can change production type and working speed but what makes it indispensable is its role as a backup machine whenever automatic machines suffer stoppages or breakdowns.

The benefits

  • Winds rolls with cores, without cores, bobbins and flanged rolls.
  • The ribbon or tape is retrieved from containers at a 30 to 40 metre distance.
  • The winding operations are monitored electronically.
  • Ribbon or tape hook-up operations with a special notched chuck.
  • Extremely accurate ribbon or tape measuring.
  • Ribbon or tape guides for electronically-monitored parallel-coil winding.
  • Ribbon or tape defect detection device, for joints and curling.

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