Cardboard spool making machine

We manufacture automatic cardboard bobbin production machines with glue temperature control system

Thanks to our expertise in the manufacture of cardboard spool making machines, we designed FLIN: a cardboard bobbin production machine with hot-melt glue. FLIN features highly performant and responsive control systems for glue temperature and fixing time.

This cardboard spool making machine can be combined both with TATU to make cardboard cores and with UNIVERSAL winding machine. Thus, guaranteeing a fully automatic production cycle. Parameters setting and adjustment is simple and intuitive, which makes it possible to reduce costs, increase production efficiency and avoid unnecessary stocking up.

The benefits

  • Can be combined with the “tatu” machine, for simultaneous gluing of two flanges onto the cut cores.
  • With gluing time adjustment and setting options.
  • Enables automatic feeling of the “UNIVERSAL” winding machine version.
  • Keyboard parameter options and alarms.
Cardboard spool machines manufacturers

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